Presenting findings from user research to Development and Sales teams at a company borrel, a Dutch after-work party where associates eat, drink, and discuss their projects
Upinion is a tech start-up located just west of Amsterdam that the fulfilling the needs of a niche information market. The purpose of the app is to engage organizations with their members in a mutually beneficial relationship, Companies, educational institutions, and organizations can ask their audience panel questions, and in return for answers the users receive kick-backs from the company.
At Upinion I was often translating from statistician, to developer, to sales associate, to client or between any of these. In this way I was the information WD40 that greased the wheels of smart innovation.
There had been no user testing at Upinion so I began doing guerilla testing on myself, friends, other employees, and anyone who would agree to spare a few minutes. Whenever people were using or speaking of the app, I was mindful and stored away what they said and did so it could be applied later in design and development meetings. In addition I ran formal focus groups with use-tracking for more substantial data collection. These findings shed light an upcoming pivot and refined the Upinion app's purpose.
Given at the UM Mobile Developers Community Meeting, Sept 2014 (5 min)
Cara Tip: If you had to pick one of my presentations, watch this one